E Pluribus Unum
Pattern Name:E Pluribus Unum (Out of Many, One)
Designed By:Nurdan Kanber
Company:NNK BV Holland
Copyright:Nurdan Kanber
Fabric:Aida 16, 32 ct Linen Khaki
Size:227w X 226h Stitches
16 Count, 36.04w X 35.88h cm• The model is stitched by Banu Karakaya, on 32 ct Khaki Linen
(Zweigart) as 1 over 2 with DMC threads.
• There are 7 different colors on the templete; all called for DMC and XJu Designs hand dyed flosses.
• Skein Estimation is listed with the flosses (Skein estimation is given
as stitching on 16 ct Aida, as 2 over 1)
• The pattern has its colored template together.
• It is a Limited Edition pattern.